6 Benefits of QR-Powered Digital Menus for Restaurants

September 20, 2020
QR Bear

1. Contactless Menus Are Safer

Traditional menus are often handled and touched by multiple diners in the same party, are reused by multiple groups of diners, and are handled by restaurant staff. With contactless menus, there is no need to hold a menu as it is digital, with diners simply scanning the QR code to access the menu. Restaurant staff can even change out the QR code flyer between parties if necessary. All of this equates to a safe dining experience and lowers the risk of COVID transmission.

2. Easy to Update & Change Menus

With digital QR-code menus, restaurant managers and owners can test out new menu items, change branding, or make minor changes to a menu without having to print, laminate, pickup, and distribute menus like with traditional menus. Restaurant staff simply go edit their menu online and it is automatically updated across the QR codes.

3. Better Menu Design & Diner Experience

Contactless menus usually are built with a menu builder that has existing menu designs with strong user experience, meaning you can make your most popular items stand out and have more customers finding their order faster.

4. Faster Table Turnover

There isn’t a need to sanitize or change menus between table turnover, meaning less work for staff and a more sanitized environment for diners.

5. Reduced Costs

All menus are digital, saving restaurants money on printing and design services.

6. Better Customer Data

Digital menus capture user data on what items are most popular, if menu designs are confusing customers, and more. Digital menus allow restaurant managers to monitor how customers interact with their menu in real-time, providing unmatched data for owners.

7. Integrates with Existing Restaurant Software Systems

Contactless QR-code menu apps integrate with existing restaurant POS systems, online ordering systems, waitlist apps, and more. This means better data and insights for restaurant owners and better user experience for restaurant diners.

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